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i'm your soul.

pretty girl yea?.

oh hello stranger !
know us?
you, get lost if you hate us. (:

strike out.


hearts talking.

lazt already, do ask someone to create cbox instead of shoutmix .

alternative exits.

do update yourself if you want to be link here.

my days, not yours.

September 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
June 2009

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Thursday, June 11, 2009

how's life? is it like mine, rotting at home the whole day? hahas. it's no surprise that i'm actually decomposing at home. it's been long time since i have blog. 3 MONTHS !! o: teachers' day, i might be at school doing some stuffs, so i might be unable to come for the teachers' day eve. but, it's just maybe. anyway,i have one small idea here. i wanna make a class tee(t-shirt) , but it seems like no one is replying. so, i shall stop my imagination then.

bye ~
yanting . {:

11:53 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009

hey people !

yea. holidays are back, and we're dying. lol . treat nothing happens. haha . add me me me ! i just wanna know who wants a class tee for this 6c'o7? contact me okay !]

Y yanting

9:23 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

yo peeps ~

going to change skin okays.
as it is going to be out-dated soon.
how are you guys?
this year is the important year,
do study hard and give mrs padman a good results !


8:02 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

hi peep ~

lol.. as year pass by this blog became [u]spam[/u] blog ~ omg ! you ppl got no heart meh ! always i do ! i tell you arh . next time i won't do liao hor, you guys settle it yourself kkay ??? lol

i damn angry liao


2:21 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

yo people!

it's been a long time since i post at this class blog.. lols.. always no one want to post de.. break my heart you know.. then.. since i'm free.. i will do a short post then..

past few days, i went to hongkong for school band exchange.. at first was exciting.. then.. boring le.. lols.. then, we reach there.. first thing is to test the bed whether it's soft or hard.. then the bed was super soft.. lol.. damn de.. then.. visit their places of interest.. okay lah.. only hear them talk nia.. then.. went to short shopping at the shopping centre.. cold of course.. then.. went round and round untill time's up.. went out and meet the group.. then.. went to peak tower(damn tall).. then.. eat dinner.. wow.. got scolded at there nia.. not happy.. lol.. then the things we did for the whole trip was.. disneyland, band exchange, master class and SHOPPING!! hahas.. lol..

this post super short right.. like i said le.. haha.. end the post here.. lol.. tag more kkays.. my friends.. then,, one last thing.. those like me.. who always ask when is the outing.. must ask mrs padman le.. heard from dionne.. she say mrs padman never reply her so.. i not sure why le.. haix.. hope to see you guys soon..

post @ 2:45pm

10:37 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008


haha. lol.. just post kkays??

by yanting , 6:24pm

3:21 AM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hi guys!

how have you been? i know that exams are coming and lots of you are busy revising, like me. im also studying. well, exams are important, but think, are we caring this blog? are we blogging or tagging? it seems that only some came here and tag or post. maybe your parents may not let you use the computer, because you use it for very long. but, you can go to the library to use. im not advising you to tell your parents, "hey, i need to use the computer!". it's rude, right? if you have been studying well, or tests are always within your standards, you are allowed to use. but, rather, you choose to ignore it, and went out with your friends. hmm..

i am actually not allowed to use, but in order to do my homework, i have to plead my parents to let me use. well, i did half way, and came to this blog. i have wondered, why not all of you coming here. even those who don't study, but you can use comp right? maybe i should put a note, " all must come" hehe which not of all us want. er..

and this is not dionne & yanting's blog. is class blog!!!! well, i can make it to our blog. busy,busy,busy,busy,busy!!! i am busy also. so, if you are free. come to post!!!!!!

post by yanting Y

post @ 6:49 pm

3:38 AM

Saturday, September 6, 2008

People :

Exams are coming !!!
Work hard and play hard !!!!
Those who are in Normal [N] must work hard as this final year exam is your last chance to get in to Express[E] in a easier way , so pull up your socks if you are not working hard enough!!!!

Those who are in Express [E] have to work hard too!!
Show the people outside that 2007 6C students can do it !!!!!

Last but not least ..........

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!


post @ 12:22 am.

9:15 AM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

hi friends!
im may not be posting often as im busying for the next whole week. friends, if you are free, do drop by and post. user name and password had been post up on our yahoo group. do visit this blog often as our date of gathering, time, place will be up dated here. if you cnt come on those gatherings, do tag me or sms me.
by the way, YOE exams are coming soon yea. do work hard and prove that we are not stupid, we are clever! let's show all those "clever ones" that we are nt going to make them look down on us.
mrs padman hope that when it's class gathering time, at least 20 of us come. if it is less than that, she would cancelled the rest of the gatherings, and that's it. so, if you guys still want the class gathering to be going on, do come for the gathering.
once again.. DO DROP BY AND POST!!!!! dun make this blog dead.
post by yanting:)))))))))))))))))))))
post @ 11:50 am.

8:42 PM

Monday, September 1, 2008


posting now.. hahas. created one for 6c 07.. and a nice one too..
just now we had a pizza party!
spent forty bucks(bt nt we pay..)
hahas. we did not bully mrs padman..
she ownself wan to treat us de..
mrspadman disappointed tt only 13 ppl cme.
then the rest... HAIX!! fasting.. =.=
and they did nt even tell her too....
the ppl who cme are:
dionne,yanting,pui leng,miao ching,ho ying,xue qi,shi hui,chirstine,jaron,marcus,chester, i.
now blogging for them ..
2 dionne house blog.

by the way..

the schools we entered:
Queensway - Marcus, Denise, Nabilah, Shi Hui, Chandra, Chester, Razzif, Erfyan, Sufyan, Mardhiyah, Baasha, Yasir, Ashiq
Bukit merah - Puileng, Yan ting, Shane, Riduwan, Kathryn, Xue qi, Ho ying, Xiufang, Alzam
St margaret- lonely Dionne =.= !!!
Clemeti woods - lonely Gizem -.- !!!
New town - Christine, Miao, Jaron
Henderson - Kaili, Farah, Stephen, Iqabir
Queenstown PRI!!! - lonely Mrs padman =.="'
Gan Eng Seng - Jia Wen

no sch - lonely boy danial . hahas. dun know which sch they go.
nt forgetting dorris.

ppl do say who the person posting. thx. and enjoy tagging and posting.

if you guys want to blog, go under NEW BLOG, click there.
@ the title, write the day, month, date and year.
then tab twice and start writing about what you want. e.g class gathering, when to meet together to see mrs padman.


post by yanting. :)))

Post @ 4:10pm

12:08 AM